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    Air transportation - GBSI - Global Business Service Information

    Cargo transportation by air is a popular direction that has many advantages for the customer. Such transportation is in demand for a wide variety of types of cargo: valuable materials and mechanisms, perishable products, goods requiring the fastest possible delivery. Often, air transportation becomes the only way to transport cargo, for example, to remote regions where it is difficult to reach by land or water transport.

    Advantages of air cargo transportation:

    • high speed delivery;
    • guarantees of cargo safety;
    • eliminating the possibility of damage to the goods by weather conditions, during loading operations, temporary storage, etc.;
    • reducing the time for paperwork, especially in international cargo transportation;
    • expanding the geography of possible supplies.

    Disadvantages of air cargo transportation

    Perhaps the only drawback of transporting goods by air is the high cost. Compared with rail, sea and road transport, the delivery price is really significantly higher. However, in many cases, when the various options are fully calculated, it turns out that air transport is more profitable or not much more expensive than other types. This is due to the reduction of costs for loading operations, registration of transit of vehicles and cargo, temporary storage of cargo en route, etc.

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