International registration of trademark - GBSI - Global Business Service Information
Would you like to know about international registration of trademark? You can use the services of our company. We are dealing with all the matters concerning the registration of logotypes and other measures aimed to build own brand for supplying products to the external markets. This process requires fulfillment of certain obligations, it provides the following advantages to the companies:
- All obligatory payments of state duties shall be made in single currency to exclude a possibility of executing additional operations which often results in new unexpected problems and difficulties;
- The process of international registration of trademark is done by centralized organizations, no need to turn to any other companies;
- Prospectively the trademark rights holder receives an opportunity of further extension of its trademark protection.
What is required from a person intending to apply for an international registration of trademark?
First and foremost, there must be permanent communication arranged with the manufacturer. This implies that the applicant has citizenship and permanent residence in the indicated country, as well as an operating enterprise where the goods and other products are manufactured. The applicant should also have an available application that was used for making a decision.
An application for international registration can be filed using specially developed online services. Those include the International Application Simulator, or IAS, a standard form and Madrid Goods And Services Manager. Contact us, and we will fulfill the entire set of works on the trademark international registration.