Product mark (trademark) registration - GBSI - Global Business Service Information
For the goods and products of various kinds to be legitimately traded, they must have their own identification mark. That is why the product mark needs to be registered. It is this mark that will subsequently be used as an advertisement attribute which will make the product unique.
The existing different types of product marks (trademarks)
There are different types of product marks (trademarks). You can learn about all of them in detail or from an expert by the phone. You can contact us for information whenever it is convenient, and we will answer any questions that you have. The product marks (trademarks) can be of the following variations:
- It can be signified verbally, thus making a name of the product mark (trademark) of one word.
- Graphical image. Individual identification mark can be expressed as a graphical picture which reflects the main specifics of the sold products or rendered services.
- Product marks (trademarks) in the form of three-dimensional figures that possess unique properties. That includes packaging, statuettes and other items.
- Combinations of colors is still another method of making own product mark. An applicant can choose a certain color or a combination of those. In this respect the competing companies have full right to register own product marks with similar combinations but with a small difference in the intensity and brightness of shades.
- Combined ways of executing the product marks (trademarks). Three-dimensional figures can be used along with the verbal form.
How to complete the registration
The preparation process for the product mark registration comprises the following steps:
- Preparation stage. It includes the check for conformity, for the absence of absolute and other reasons to deny registration, defining the number of the goods class, preparation of application for registration.
- The stage of product mark (trademark) registration. This stage includes the submission of application, carrying out an examination of the future product mark (trademark) and its further registration.
- The final step is a conclusion where all peculiarities of the chosen product mark (trademark) are specified.