Trademark registration - GBSI - Global Business Service Information
Registration of trademark is a final stage of creating the company’s unique sign of identity. It can be implemented as a wordmark, a dimensional form or a combined view. The trademark makes goods and products unique and distinguishable from competitors. It provides opportunities to the companies to promote their commodity positions in the market and gain special status. For detailed information on the trademark registration procedure and the steps to be made, you can contact our consultant by the phone or using a form on our website. Our expert will tell you how it is completed and what is required for it.
Guidelines for obtaining state registration of trademark
- Preparation stage. It includes checking for conformance and for the absence of absolute and other reasons to refuse registration, determining the number of the goods class, preparation of application for registration.
- Trademark registration stage. This stage comprises submitting an application, executing an examination and acceptance of documents, examination of the future trademark and its further registration.
- The last step is a conclusion where the special features of the chosen trademark are indicated.
The trademark registration procedure consists of several stages:
- The first thing is preparation of all the necessary documents and other mandatory processes. The trademark is checked for its authenticity and for the possible grounds which may become the reason for refusal in registration. In addition, the class number is determined and an application is executed.
- The second stage of works on the trademark registration includes prior examination of the trademark and acceptance of documents for registration. Usually the completion of this takes several months. The state registration of the provided mark is also done at the second stage. When completed successfully, the registration is ultimately executed.
In accordance with the current laws once all the above-mentioned steps are completed successfully, the procedure of registration starts, but its effect only lasts for 10 years. After the end of that period the trademark registration must be executed repeatedly. The protection of trademarks can also be ceased before the end of the indicated time period if there is a decision of Supreme Court, in case of discovered violations, upon submission of a written application, dissolution of a firm. Also, there are cases when registration is not permissible. That includes cases where there are no signs of distinguishing from competitors’ goods, detailed similarities were allowed and state symbols were used.