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    For the first time in two years, railway communication between Russia and the North Korea has resumed - GBSI - Global Business Service Information

    Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have resumed railway communication for the first time in two years. On the first train that crossed the Khasan border crossing (RF) on November 2, 2022, 30 thoroughbred horses (Orlovsky Rusakov) were sent. Later, medicines will be delivered to North Korea along a similar route, the Far Eastern Railway told RIA Novosti.
    “On the Far Eastern Railway, the first freight train left through the Khasan (RF) — Tumangan (DPRK) border crossing after a two-year break due to the introduction of covid restrictions in 2020,” the agency interlocutor said.
    The Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for Primorye and the Sakhalin Region noted that a batch of 30 Orel trotters was sent to the DPRK. “The animals (five stallions, 25 mares) were quarantined in the city of Suzdal, Vladimir region, and then in three specially equipped car carriers arrived at the Khasan railway checkpoint for subsequent shipment to the DPRK,” the Rosselkhoznadzor administration said in a statement. “Trotters have been sent to the DPRK for the first time since 2020,” the ministry added. The health status of all horses is assessed as satisfactory, each individual had a chip excluding substitution, the Rosselkhoznadzor administration noted.
    In October 2019, Kim Jong-un, during an inspection trip, climbed Mount Paektusan, sacred to Koreans, riding a white horse. The Oryol Trotter is the first factory cultural breed of horses in Russia. This is a breed of light-harnessed horses with a hereditarily fixed ability for a frisky trot.
    The only border railway crossing with the DPRK in Russia, Khasan — Tumangan, was opened in 2013 for the export of goods to the port of Rajin. In 2019, more than 50 thousand tons of export cargo were sent through this checkpoint before quarantine.
    Source: PRIME

    3 November 202209:57

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